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Select Board Minutes 12/08/2015
SELECT BOARD MINUTES FOR MEETING                               
Tuesday December 8, 2015 2:30 pm
Holland Town Hall
27 Sturbridge Road
Holland, MA

Present: Lawrence Mandell, Chair
Elias Gillen, Member
Andrew Harhay, Member
Kelli Robbins, Executive Secretary

Mr. Mandell called the meeting to order at 2:30 pm

Motion 120815-01 Mr. Mandell to waive the reading of the minutes and accept the minutes of 12-1-15 as written. 2nd Mr. Gillen. So voted


Jo Ann Higgins – Hazard Mitigation Plan

- Mr. Mandell welcomed Ms. Higgins and explained the reason the Board wanted to meet with her was because she  has done the primary work on the Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) and is best suited to answer any questions regarding said plan. Mr. Mandell asked if Ms. Robbins inquired of the other participants in regard to their comfort level with the plan. Ms. Robbins stated she received a positive response from the Fire Chief. Ms. Higgins indicated that the Highway Surveyor may be able to stop by for the meeting.

Ms. Higgins gave a brief history of how the plan came to be and the timeline for its approval. The first plan expired because the Select Board of the past did not sign off on it. This caused the plan to need to be resubmitted.  The current plan was edited and resubmitted for approval to MEMA, where it languished. Once approved by MEMA is was sent to PVPC, where it again languished.  It was eventually sent to FEMA. FEMA returned it to the town for edits.  Carolyn Williams, the FEMA contact has been extremely helpful and guided JoAnn through the final editing process.  Today is to approve the draft which will in turn then be returned to FEMA for final approval.  

Mr. Harhay noted that there are completion dates within the plan that are near at hand. Mr. Harhay asked if the Town would be committed to these dates.  Mr. Harhay asked what happens if the approval comes after the dates are past. Ms. Robbins asked if the dates are calendar or fiscal. Ms. Higgins stated she believes the dates to be calendar and that some of the items are already in process and on the way to completion.  

Now that the actions needed are identified on pages 93 and 94 of HMP,  the town can back into it for funding.  

Mr. Mandell asked if the Hamilton Reservoir Dam could be added to the action plan.  Mr. Mandell said this would be a way to get possible funding for the dam.
Mr. Gillen stated that this plan and the funding would be a good opportunity to clarify the responsible parties for the actions. That way funding, equipment and manpower can be made available to accomplish the tasks.  Determining exactly who is responsible is crucial so that non responsible parties are not expected to do the work.

Motion 120815-2, Mr. Mandell to approve the draft as written with the amendment of addition of the dam. 2nd Mr. Harhay. So voted.

Ms. Higgins took the opportunity to discuss the long standing issue of town lines along Barney Road in Holland and Wales. The road is maintained in part by Holland but not by Wales. Ms. Higgins explained that years ago the Select Board of Holland asked Wales to have a shared survey for GIS purposes. Wales ignored the request.  Ms. Higgins also brought to the attention of the Select Board another shared road with Wales that has 2 different names. It is called Old County Road on the Wales side and Old Turnpike Road on the Holland side. Holland already has an Old County Road on the other side of town. Ms. Higgins stated this problem could be detrimental once the parcels are developed. Emergency personnel would be confused and may not find someone in need in time should their services be required. Ms. Higgins asked if the Select Board would consider writing a letter to Wales asking them to change the name of the road on the Wales side to Old Turnpike Road since there is no such road currently in Wales. Mr. Mandell said he would be willing to go to a Wales Select Board meeting to speak with them on both issues. Mr. Mandell asked Ms. Higgins to write something so that the Board could address the problems.  Ms. Higgins said she would do so.

Old Business

Select Board Action Status
  • Net Metering Credits : Mr. Harhay brought sample contracts for review by the Select Board for NextAmp. Ms. Robbins will review contracts prior to the next meeting.  
  • Add data to spread sheet
  • Zoning Enforcement Officer – Jack Keough to write letter regarding thoughts on ZEO
  • Mr. Harhay will be going to the next Council on Aging meeting he will bring up possibly looking into a van for the Community Center/COA use. Mr. Harhay will look into possible regionalization with other towns.
  • LOC mission statement: provided via email from Christine McCooe. Read mission statement. Discussion.
Motion 120815-3 Mr. Harhay, to table mission statement. 2nd Mr. Gillen. Mr. Harhay and Mr. Gillen for, Mr. Mandell against. So voted.
  • Need to look at possibly procuring a vehicle for ACO
  • Bylaw changes to keep in mind.  
  • Capital Planning Committee – Mr. Harhay stated the School Committee should remain on the committee. Mr. Gillen explained that there was no need for the school committee to be on the Capital Planning Committee  because they do on use town funds for their capital planning. The School Committee uses the school choice money for their capital planning.
  • bylaw regarding the Select Board producing a budget – Mr. Gillen stated, he feels this needs more discussion.
  • adoption of Chapter 258 section 13
  • South Boat Ramp – Mr. Gillen brought forward multiple documents on behalf of the Lake Oversight Committee, to be possible sites for a boat ramp on the South basin of Hamilton Reservoir.  Mr. Gillen felt 3 of the options had more potential than the others presented.  Mr. Gillen asked what the town needs to do to get a South boat ramp. Mr. Harhay asked what the town would need to invest to get the current boat ramp on the south basin back in use.  Mr. Mandell will reach out to the current owners to see what some of the options are for that property. The other properties will be researched.
  • Boat for PD and lake patrol can wait until after the first of the year.
Mr. Gillen had to leave the meeting at 4:23 pm.
Community Compact best practices application. Place on the next agenda.  Mr. Harhay will look to see if there are other town’s applications so we have an idea of what the state is looking for from us to be part of the program.

Liquor Licenses – approved and signed liquor licenses as follows:
        PJ’s Town Crier – On premises All Alcohol license
        Robert’s Auto Clinic & Tire Center, Inc. – Package Store: Wine and Malt Liquors
        Holland Rod & Gun Club – Club: All Alcohol
        Heer Convenience Inc./DBA New Holland Market – Off premises All Alcohol
        Diane’s Villa Nova – Restaurant: Wine and Malt on premises

Next meeting to be December 15, 2015at 7 pm.